Answer The Internet Featuring Paul “Biz Nasty” Bissonnette

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There was a time when Paul Bissonnette was unsure of the Barstool life and he worried about his future. He’s a smart guy. He thought ahead. There was a time when he didn’t always let it fly on camera. 

This was not one of those times. Not anymore.

Biz got super stoned to the point that he could barely read and talked about shitting his pants for about 3 straight minutes. Come to think of it, maybe it wasn’t the weed that made Biz illiterate. Maybe that was just 4th Line Life. But either way, tonight’s ATI with Biz is 10 minutes of one of the funniest guys in sports media today letting it RIP. It’s a beauty. Subscribe and watch now.


You can now play Answer The Internet too. We took 500 of the best questions from the KFC Radio Podcast and the first season of Answer The Internet on YouTube, and we put 'em in a box. Buy it here.


ALSO, check out You can submit your own questions and be a part of the next video or expansion pack of cards:

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